ENG 110: College Writing / Elon University / Spring 2010

ENG 110 Syllabus -- 2010
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Section F1: Mondays & Wednesdays, 1:40-3:20 PM (Mooney 305)
Section N: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 8:00-9:40 AM (Alamance 318)

Instructor: Anne C. Auten             

Email Address: [email protected] (preferred)
                                     [email protected]

Office Location: Alamance 309-A
Office Hours: MW 10:45-11:45 AM; TH 10-11 AM (and by appointment)

Texts and Materials:
  • Bullock, Richard and Francine Weinberg. The Norton Field Guide to Writing. Second Edition.  W. W. Norton & Company, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-393-93439-7.
  • Various materials on electronic and/or print reserve
  • Single-Subject Journal/Notebook (for ENG 110 only)
  • A Folder for each major project (all notes, drafts, and peer reviews are turned in with projects)
  • Electronic Storage Device (a USB/jump drive is highly recommended)

Welcome to English 110: College Writing

Course Description:
In this first-year course emphasizing invention, peer response, revising and editing, students learn to develop and make assertions, support them with appropriate evidence and present them in public form. Students also learn that the style and content of their writing will affect their success in influencing audiences.

***Exit Grade: As stated in the Academic Catalogue, you must earn at least a C- in this course, or repeat it. This is a graduation requirement, and successful completion of the course is also a prerequisite for all other English courses.

All sections of College Writing aim to develop the following:

Ø  A more sophisticated writing process including invention, peer responding, revising and editing that result in a clear, effective well edited public piece. 

Ø  A more sophisticated understanding of the relationship of purpose, audience, and voice, and an awareness that writing expectations and conventions vary within the academy and in professional and public discourse. 

Ø  An appreciation for the capacity of writing to change oneself and the world.

In order to achieve the above objectives, College Writing will give students the following experiences:
1.       Writing to persuade by analyzing, interpreting, researching, synthesizing, and evaluating a wide variety of sources. 2.       Writing to academic audiences, writing to non-academic audiences, and writing for one’s own purposes. 

3.       Conducting library and online research, and using source material to support an argument.
4.       Writing on the spot (determining the audience and purpose of given writing situations). 
5.       Opportunities for oral presentation of work.

College Writing website: http://www.elon.edu/e-web/academics/college_writing/

The Elon Academic Message:
An Elon student’s highest purpose is Academic Citizenship: giving first attention to learning and reflection, developing intellectually, connecting knowledge and experience, and upholding Elon’s honor codes.

Academic Integrity and Honor Codes:
This course operates under the Elon Academic Honor Code, which states: “Elon students will not lie, cheat, plagiarize, steal, violate others’ property, or facilitate others’ dishonesty.” Cheating (using unauthorized materials to complete an assignment) and plagiarism (presenting someone else’s work as your own) will result in a zero grade for the assignment and, depending upon the severity, a possible failing grade for the course. Severe or multiple cases of intended plagiarism will be referred to the Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs. See the university’s Academic Honor Code and definition of plagiarism at:  http://facstaff.elon.edu/gibson/COM322/Handouts/Elon_Academic_Honor_Code_09~10.pdf.

The course also operates under the Elon Social Honor Code; any violation, including abusive, intolerant, or disrespectful behavior or remarks during class will be subject to disciplinary action. See also:


Class Rules, Procedures, & Promises:

Ø  Come to class on time. (See policies on tardiness & absences for more information.)
Ø  Do not cheat or plagiarize – in other words, do your own work. (See policy on plagiarism for more information.) 

Ø  Treat your classmates with respect. 
Ø  Cell phones and MP3 devices must be turned off and put away. No exceptions. 
Ø  Class begins and ends when the instructor says so. (In other words, packing up will not cause me to end class.) 
Ø  Computers are for educational purposes only during class hours; frivolous personal use will not be tolerated. (See policy on the computer classroom for more information.)
Routines & Procedures: 

Ø  Homework and papers will be turned in to me at the beginning of class. Electronic submissions will not be accepted. Ø  All papers must be stapled and properly formatted. 
Ø  All handwritten work must be done in ink – preferably blue or black. 
Ø  Bring your journal and textbook to class every day.

Ø  Your classroom will be a tolerant place. 

Ø  I will treat you with respect. 
Ø  Consequences for violating course policies will be fair and justified.
Attendance Policy
Because of the collaborative and cooperative nature of ENG 110, daily attendance and participation are essential to your success in this course.  Therefore, it is mandatory that you attend each session.  I will take attendance at the beginning of each class meeting.  If you arrive after I have taken attendance, it is your responsibility to see me after class to discuss your eligibility for being counted present. You will be allowed THREE absences, excused or unexcused, for the entire semester.  These absences can be used in the case of sickness, family events, school related functions (ROTC, sports, etc.), or unexpected circumstances.  Remember, though, to use these absences wisely; you never know when an emergency may arise later in the semester.  Your final grade will be lowered by one third of a letter grade for each day missed over three.  In other words, if you earn an A- in the course, but have four absences, your final grade would be a B+.  For five absences, you would earn a B instead of an A-, etc. 

I would much rather know of any absences before the fact.  Therefore, if you know that you are going to be absent ahead of time, notify me so you can keep up to date with the activities of the class.  In any case, if you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed.  You may contact me by email, phone, or stop by my office hours; you may also get in touch with one of your classmates.

Course Requirements and Grading:
Coursework includes regular class attendance and participation, daily reading and writing assignments, five major written projects, and oral presentations based on your written work. Although first and second drafts of your projects will not be graded, they will be commented on in writing, either by me, your peers, or both.   

Your final grade for the course will be determined as follows:

Project #1: Essay on a Debated Topic--15%

Project #2: Experience-Based Theory Critique--15%

Project #3: Close Reading and Interpretation of a Text/Analysis of Two Scholarly Interpretations--15%

Project #4: Individual Writing Portfolio--15%

Final Exam: Presentation of Team Portfolios--10%  (The Final Exam will be held on Friday, May 14 from 11:30 AM--2:30 PM (Section N) or Friday, May 14 from 3:00--6:00 PM (Section F1). No exceptions)

Class Participation: Includes attendance, contributions to class discussions, reading quizzes, daily assignments, collected work, journal entries, and Peer Review work--15%

Oral Presentations: Oral Presentations of Projects 1 & 3--15%

Criteria for Evaluation:
In grading your written work, I will look for: 

·      a purposeful response to the audience and situation 
·      a clear and logical argument 
·      thoughtful use of textual evidence 
·      effective use of appropriate formal and stylistic conventions 

Below are the general requirements for each letter grade; plus/minus grades reflect relative strength or weakness within these divisions:

A: Excellent work. Fulfills and goes beyond all criteria for the assignment. Contains minimal errors.

B: Strong work. Fulfills almost all criteria, showing weakness in only one or two main criteria. May contain noticeable errors.

C: Acceptable work. Fulfills most major criteria, though some may be weak, and no more than one may be missing entirely. May contain persistent errors.

D: Weak work. Fulfills some major criteria. Demonstrates weakness in several major criteria and may be missing one or more entirely. May contain persistent errors.:

F: Unacceptable work. Fails to meet the primary goals and criteria of the assignment.


Late Papers:
Late papers create problems for everyone.  Because we will do self and/or peer review of first and second drafts, it is imperative that you bring a complete draft to class on the designated peer review days.  (Yes, drafts must be word-processed.)  Final drafts, of course, should be turned in at the beginning of class on the day they are due. You should have your papers ready for submission the moment you arrive; they should be placed on the instructor’s desk as soon as you enter the classroom.  Please note that computer catastrophes, disk malfunctions, and printer issues are not acceptable reasons for late submission of work. Think proactively and have in place contingency plans in the event of such technology problems. 

A late (or incomplete) first draft will incur a penalty of 1/3 letter grade on the final grade for that paper.  A late final draft will incur a penalty of full letter grade for every calendar day—including weekends—that it is late.  Again, if you know in advance that you will be absent on the day written work is due, submit that work early (this holds true for initial, as well as for final, drafts). Remember, you must submit a final, completed draft for each of the five major project assignments—even if the project is so late that it will earn an F; failure to do so will result in an automatic F in the course.

Conferences and Office Hours:
In addition to our scheduled conferences for each major project, I am available to meet with you to discuss your work and/or your progress in the course. If my office hours are inconvenient for you, please feel free to see me about scheduling an appointment. I encourage you to take advantage of my office hours. Remember, I am here to help you succeed! J

Class Participation: 
Participation is crucial in this class because we will rely on one another for feedback on our writing and thinking processes.  Ideally, you will learn as much (or more) from each other as you will from me.  Participation accounts for 15% of your final grade.  Class participation means more than how much you say in class; it’s your effort to be present in our discussions.  Your homework, in-class writing assignments, and quizzes will also be included in your participation grade.  Your grade will reflect your attendance, preparation, and the quality of your contributions to our class work.  Accordingly, participation grades will be awarded as follows:

To earn a C-range participation grade, you must fulfill five basic requirements:

  1. Arrive on time.
  2. Be ready to discuss readings when called on.
  3. Be prepared with the textbook, any assigned reading, written homework, and/or memory storage device in class.
  4. Listen respectfully.
  5. Engage actively and productively in group work, peer review, and other in-class activities.

To earn a B-range participation grade, you must consistently fulfill requirements 1-5 above and:

  1. Volunteer questions or points of interest from readings to generate discussion.
  2. Willingly offer ideas in class; make sure your contributions are topical and thoughtful.

To earn an A-range participation grade, you must consistently fulfill the above 7 criteria and:

  1. Show leadership in class discussion (break uncomfortable silences; respond to open-ended questions; challenge received opinion; ask difficult questions).
  2. Respond to other students’ ideas (not just mine) by asking questions or building on their points.

You will receive a failing participation grade if you are excessively and/or frequently: 1) tardy; 2) unprepared for class; 3) disruptive during class; or 4) occupied with activities other than those related to English 110 (this includes instant messaging, game playing, net surfing, etc. in the computer classroom). Your cell phone should be neither visible nor audible at any time when you are in the classroom.(Note: The vibrate-setting is still audible.)

Formatting Standards for Homework & Projects:

Unless otherwise specified, all written homework and all paper drafts submitted for in-class review or for a grade must be word-processed.  In general, please observe the following manuscript conventions when preparing materials for submission:

1. Include the necessary identifying information (double-spaced) in the upper left-hand corner of the first page:

 Your Name

Course & Section #

Instructor’s Name

Project #

Date Submitted

2. Double space below the identifying information and center the title of your paper.  Your title should not be underlined, italicized, set in bold, placed in quotation marks, or printed in all caps.  Double space after the title and begin your text.

3. Using your word processor’s header function, put your last name and the page number in the upper right-hand corner of all pages.

4. Double space your text and any bibliographic lists.

5. Maintain 1-inch margins all around (left, right, top, bottom).  Be sure to check your word processor’s default settings for page set-up to confirm that they are set for 1-inch (and not 1.25-inch) margins.

6. Use 12 point Times New Roman font.

7. Staple the pages in the upper left-hand corner. 

When submitting final drafts, be prepared to include all prewriting, previous drafts, sources, self-critiques, and peer reviews in your folder (consult the submission checklist for each assignment to determine what materials are required).
NOTE WELLAn incorrectly formatted or unstapled paper, or one without the required supporting materials, will be returned to you for correction and/or completion and will be counted late.

Class Computer Disk and Files of Graded Papers:
You will need to have a memory storage device for use in class activities and for saving your in- and out-of-class written work.  All work should be saved as Word documentsI expect your work to be saved appropriately and to be available for your access during classwork; technology problems are not to be cited as excuses for failure to observe these instructions.

Maintain a copy of your submissions on a portable memory storage device—such as a memory/USB stick—for this class (and on a back-up disk, as well as on your personal computer's hard drive)—just in case and for future reference.  Also keep in a paper file or other folder all graded drafts. You will need to save all of your work throughout the semester to place in your final writing portfolio. These materials not only will be useful during our conferences, but may also serve as resources for you in writing later papers.


Writing Center:
The Elon Writing Center, located on the first floor of Belk Library, is available to help with any problems you may have that are not addressed during class or during an office visit. Student consultants are trained to help you at all stages of the writing process. 

Writing Center’s website:  http://www.elon.edu/e-web/academics/special_programs/writing/.

Librarians can be your best friends during writing and research projects. This service is designed to address specific, unambiguous reference questions; for example: “What is the longest river in the world?” not “What are the implications of passing gun control laws?” If you are looking for ways to start a new research project, we suggest that you come by in person and speak to a librarian. Please tell us as much as you can about your question and which sources you’ve already checked. Also remember that librarians at the reference/information desk at the front of the library are happy to help point you in an appropriate direction or answer questions about resources.

Instruction and Campus Technologies:
Consult this site for frequently asked questions concerning your technological needs, including issues with your Blackboard or email accounts: http://org.elon.edu/technology/. Also, the Elon Help Desk can assist you with technology issues: https://wiki.elon.edu/display/TECH/Campus+Technology+Support or 336.278.5200.

Disability Services:
Elon provides accommodations to students who have documentation of a disability and works through Disability Services to arrange these accommodations. Once you’ve established eligibility, please see me during my office hours so that we can talk about your disability and the accommodations you will be using.